What would happen to your body if you took a 30-minute walk every day after dinner?



In many Indian homes, taking a leisurely stroll after dinner has long been a tradition. This exercise, which has its roots in Ayurvedic principles, is more than just a stroll and comes with a startling array of health advantages.

The science underlying this long-standing custom was elucidated by Dr. K. Somnath Gupta, Senior Consultant Physician & Diabetology at Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad.

After supper, taking a walk helps to stimulate the digestive system, which facilitates more fluid food movement and reduces bloating and discomfort. This is really nice to have after a large lunch. However, the advantages go beyond the stomach.

Dr. Gupta emphasized the benefits of walking after supper for blood sugar regulation. He claims that “it helps prevent insulin spikes,” which is particularly important for diabetics.

What are the benefits of taking an evening stroll after dinner?

According to Dr. Gupta, walking is a mild exercise that also improves the quality of sleep. Your body relaxes and becomes less stressed with the light activity, which gets you ready for a better night’s sleep. Walking also burns calories, which helps with weight management and keeps weight gain from occurring unintentionally.

Walking after dinner is a great way to follow Ayurvedic principles, which emphasize the need of relaxing and aiding digestion after meals. It has long been thought that walking improves nutrient absorption and digestion. Dr. Gupta noted that these evening walks are all the more appealing because of their social component. “Frequently involving members of the community or family, they promote social bonds and enhance mental well-being.”

A morning alternative?

Even while walks after dinner have many benefits, some people can benefit more from morning walks.

According to Dr. Gupta, walks in the morning tend to be more regular because there are fewer potential distractions later in the day, and they can more effectively increase your metabolism throughout the day. This choice is further enhanced by the extra benefit of morning sunshine exposure, which raises serotonin levels and enhances mood and alertness.

Though generally advantageous, there are some considerations. In order to prevent pain or indigestion, Dr. Gupta suggests waiting 15 to 30 minutes after a large meal before starting to walk. Additionally, the walk’s intensity should be modest because going too fast can cause pain or cramps. Recall that every person’s experience is unique. There are several factors that come into play, including age, health, and fitness levels.

Listen to your body

Before beginning this regimen, speak with your doctor if you have any underlying medical concerns, such as severe GERD. If walks after dinner just don’t feel right, try taking them in the morning or early evening instead. Dr. Gupta says that mild exercises like yoga or stretching might also be great alternatives.

The most important lesson learned? Pay attention to your body and select the strategy that suits you the most. But whether you follow the custom of going for a walk after dinner or look into other choices, adding a little exercise to your daily routine can make a big difference in your general health and wellbeing.

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